Here's a few pictures, our booth has some tweaking needed, but we will be working on that before our next market day ( June 29)
Next trip I hope to have more of my reclaimed vintage items ready..
and my new table coverings done ;)
I just had to share this one, she was so happy with her Hipster Messenger!
There hasn't been a lot of sewing happening this past week. Back flare up, but there were a couple of projects that made it in before and after the flare up ;)
This beauty is sold, I didn't even get the chance to list her before she was snatched up hehe.
And then today I was able to finish this Paris Flea Inspired Market
tote..and had to list it quickly before I decided to make her mine!
If she doesn't sell soon, I might just do it anyhow!!
until Next Time!