Sunday, February 17, 2019

Finishes, FFOs and progress

I'm not doing so well with this regular blog post thing am I?
I will do better.

It's been a bit hectic here, but I've managed to get some stitching and sewing in here and there..and even a finish or 5.
First I have a sewing finish.

Don't get too excited, it's still stitching related lol!

On the front, I used vintage doilies,  buttons, "pearl" beads and an applique. I used the rest of the doily from the front for the back.

I designed this for small projects, but there are so many pockets, at the moment there are 3 in it. My current 2 ornaments a month wips, and a cute little Chessie & me kit (from my stitch 9 list)
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Next, is my first fully finished  #2amonthsal ornament!

It's kind of a mystery project (I don't remember what chart, or the designer) on a mystery aida (I *think* it was 14ct) that I hand dyed aqua.

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Below are my 3 additional finishes.

1. Triton's Treasures by  The Stitching Parlor. It was also stitched on a mystery Aida, also hand dyed by me.

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2. Halloween freebie by Carrie's Creations

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3. The cat from Halloween Spot by The Drawn Thread

With so many wips, it's not really feasible to update them all in this post. I guess I will just have to post more eh? 

This time, how about an update on 1 of them?

Silent Sampler by Rosewood Manor has seen some good progress..I changed the colors, I wanted a "washed out" color palette. I will be aging it when I've completed it.

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Today I've been working on some sewing, and hopefully I will be able to continue tomorrow, but we will have to see what the days brings.

Until next time,
Happy Stitching!

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