Over the next little while I'll be sharing some of the FAB things that have been done around here lately, but for today I want to share 2 more recently finished items.
First up is my Fall "wreath".

Originally the plan was to use one of my picture frames, but I didn't have one I was willing to put outside that was big enough, and I didn't really want to buy another one for it. Enter Hubby..the light of my life. He cut one to size for me out of MDF..and even painted it for me while I was inside cleaning :)
Here's a closeup, I don't know if you can make it out, but the first "e" has a spider web and spider suspended under it via invisible thread. The frame was painted black and then wrapped in twine. I used eye hooks to suspend the letters in welcome, and the crow and yo-yo flowers were hot glued on. I put 2 larger eyehooks in each of the top corners to attach a ribbon for hanging.

My next project was just finished today.
Last Saturday on my way to the grocery I stopped at a yardsale where I picked this old metal portafile box up for a mere buck!
a bit of Mod Podge (royal coat...same thing lol), An old book..in my case an old encyclopedia, and a few embellishments later I had this:
Now I just have to talk Hubby into a laminating machine... *hint, hint, Honey*
So, that's it for me for now..But I'll be back later this week for more project sharing, and maybe even a tutorial!
Laters!I'm linking up to